Salman Rushdie


Ahmed Salman Rushdie.
Born on 19 June 1947 in Bombay, India.
Wikipedia: English, French.
Categories: Novels, Short Stories, Children’s Books, Autobiography, Essays.


Grimus (1975).
English: 2006.
French: Grimus (Maud Perrin, 1977).

Midnight’s Children (1980).
English: 1981.
French: Les Enfants de minuit (Jean Guiloineau, 1983, ed. 1984).

Shame (1983).
English: 1983.
French: La Honte (Jean Guiloineau, 1984).

The Satanic Verses (1988).
English: 1989.
French: Les Versets sataniques (A. Nasier, 1989).

The Moor’s Last Sigh (1995).
English: 1995.
French: Le Dernier Soupir du Maure (Danielle Marais, 1996).

The Ground Beneath Her Feet (1999).
English: 1999.
French: La Terre sous ses pieds (Danielle Marais, 1999).

Fury (2001).
English: 2001.
French: Furie (Christophe Claro, 2001).

Shalimar the Clown (2005).
English: 2005.
French: Shalimar le clown (Christophe Claro, 2005, ed. 2007).

The Enchantress of Florence (2008).
English: 2008.
French: L’Enchanteresse de Florence (Gérard Meudal, 2008).

Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights (2015).
English: 2015.
French: Deux ans, huit mois et vingt-huit nuits (Gérard Meudal, 2016).

The Golden House (2017).
French: La Maison Golden (Gérard Meudal, 2018).

Quichotte (2019).
French: Quichotte (Gérard Meudal, 2020).

Victory City.
To be released in 2023.


East, West (1994).
English: 1994.
French: Est, Ouest (François and Danielle Marais, 1997).

In the South (2009).
Published in The New Yorker of 18 May 2009.


Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990).
English: 1990.
French: Haroun et la mer des histoires (Jean-Michel Desbuis, 1991).

Luka and the Fire of Life (2010).
English: 2010.
French: Luka et le feu de la vie (Gérard Meudal, 2010).


Joseph Anton: A Memoir (2012).
English: 2012.
French: Joseph Anton : Une autobiographie (Gérard Meudal, 2012).


The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey (1987).
English: 1987.
French: Le Sourire du jaguar : Un Voyage au Nicaragua (Anne Rabinovitch, 1987).

In Good Faith (1990).
Published in The Independent of 4 February 1990.
English: 1990.
French: En toute bonne foi (in Libération of 8 February 1990).

Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981–1991 (1991).
English: 1992.
French: Patries imaginaires (Aline Chatelin, 1993).

The Wizard of Oz (1992).

Mohandas Gandhi (1998).
Published in Time of 13 April 1998.

Imagine There’s No Heaven (1999).
Published in Letters to the Six Billionth World Citizen.

Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992–2002 (2002).
English: 2002.
French: Franchissez la ligne... (Philippe Delamare, 2003).

The East Is Blue (2004).

A Fine Pickle (2009).
Published in The Guardian of 28 February 2009.

Languages of Truth: Essays 2003–2020 (2021).
French: Langages de vérité (Gérard Meudal, 2022).

Created on 28 August 2022. Updated on 31 August 2022.