Sei Shōnagon

SEI Shōnagon

Court name: Sei Shōnagon (清少納言).
Possible maiden name: Kiyohara no Nagiko (清原 諾子).
Born about 966.
Died about 1025.
Wikipedia: English, French, Japanese.


The Pillow Book.
(枕草子 | Makura no sōshi).
Japanese: 1911; 1931.
English: The Pillow Book (Arthur Waley, 1928; selection; see also 1957 and 1960); • The Sketch Book (Nobuko Kobayashi, 1930; selection); • The Pillow Book (Ivan Morris, 1967, ed. 1984; see also 1980 and 1991); • The Pillow Book (Meredith McKinney, 2006).
French: Les notes de l’oreiller (Kuni Matsuo and Émile Steinilber-Oberlin, 1928; selection); • Notes de chevet (André Beaujard, 1934).

Created on 3 June 2023.